Flannel | Big Mama’s Butter Decor Wax

Flannel | Big Mama’s Butter Decor Wax


Big Mama’s Butta is an all-natural and eco-friendly product used to neutralize odours and enhance the wood grain. As well as revive, soften, and protect the leather. You can use this product on chalk-painted and unpainted surfaces.

Big Mama’s Butta leaves your furniture smelling divine. It contains all-natural hemp seed oil, coconut oil, beeswax, and carnauba wax. Butta is water-resistant and is super soft and buttery. Now you can revive, rejuvenate, and protect/seal all in one easy peasy step!

Available in the following scents:
Orange Grove (Citrus scent)
Suzanne’s Garden (Floral scent)
Flannel (Spicy scent)

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