Mini Dot | Redesign With Prima Stick And Style Stensil Roll

Mini Dot | Redesign With Prima Stick And Style Stensil Roll


Re-Design with Prima creates beautiful spaces in your home through our Decor stencils, transfers and more.

Stick n Style Stencils are an adhesive stencil roll perfect for walls, furniture and more! Reusable and easy to use! A unique one-of-a-kind stencil, Stick & Style Stencil RollsĀ® offers a unique and flexible design that can be used on any surface, including irregular or oddly shaped surfaces. With a slight tack, these stencils provide the necessary tackiness to provide perfect results every single time. Reusable and perfect for large areas and larger-scale projects these stencil rolls will transform all your surfaces in one swipe.

1 roll ā€“ 7in x 3yds (6ā€³ design)

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