Adelina | Redesign With Prima Decoupage Paper

Adelina | Redesign With Prima Decoupage Paper


Our new Decoupage Paper designs are truly a work of art! With a beautiful, ethereal effect, Adelina is filled with lush florals in bright pinks, deep yellows, soft whites, peaches, and more, all on a dreamy watercolour backdrop. Each new Découpage Paper pattern is beautifully printed on one large sheet, eliminating seams, and offering a continual flow of each gorgeous design. Découpage Papers are wonderfully easy to apply on wood, canvas, clay, tile, glass, and so many other surfaces. (Pair with Decoupage Gel for fabulous results!) 1 sheet, 19″x30″

SKU VC_4826 Category

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia there live the blind texts.