When Life Gives You Lemons Decor Stensil | Belles And Whistles | Dixie Belle

When Life Gives You Lemons Decor Stensil | Belles And Whistles | Dixie Belle


Add this citrusy fruit to your next piece for something fun and fruity. The perfect touch of summer for your next project.

When life gives you lemons… remember to create!

Create a raised pattern by using Dixie Belle Mud to fill your stencil, or simply apply the stencil directly to your project using your favourite Dixie Belle Paint Colour.

Dixie Belle stencils are lovely reusable stencils that can be used time and time again. The details and luxurious patterns will create a dramatic and romantic effect on any of your projects. With these stencils, the results are almost endless for this amazingly fun and gorgeous stencil. Use it to create a carefree vibe for your furniture or other projects. Achieve more excellent details and intricate designs with cleaner borders.

Pattern measures 14″ x 18″ – 35.56cm x 45.72cm

10 mil Mylar

SKU VC_8519 Categories ,

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